Social Media Strategy in 2021 - Interview with Stephanie Chumbley

Social Media Strategy in 2021 - Interview with Stephanie Chumbley

Today, I am excited to share my interview with Stephanie Chumbley, the Director of Social Media & Education for Chicago Title of Oregon. Stephanie is a real estate speaker, social media specialist, Apple enthusiast and educator from the Pacific Northwest.
Today, I am excited to share my interview with Stephanie Chumbley, the Director of Social Media & Education for Chicago Title of Oregon. Stephanie is a real estate speaker, social media specialist, Apple enthusiast and educator from the Pacific Northwest.

She’s an early adopter of technology and enjoys exploring new apps, tech tools and loves to help Realtors and lenders learn how to effectively use social media and technology to generate business.

Stephanie and I had a great conversation about the biggest trends for social media for Realtors and social media for real estate agents in 2021, new emerging platforms like Clubhouse and Instagram Reels, some of the biggest mistakes we see Realtors making and some of our favorite apps right now.

I know you will learn so much from Stephanie in this conversation and big thanks to her for sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm!

Lessons learned:
  • Be where your clients are
  • Learn one new skill per month
  • Buddy up with a friend for accountability
  • Time-block your schedule
  • Look at holidays and then pick some to highlight on social media that are
  • relevant to your brand
  • Running FB ads to your email database with a Happy New Year message (not
  • every post or ad needs to be branded or have a call to action)
  • If you are an Apple user - iCloud storage is key!
Additional resources: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023