How One Realtor Grew Their Business from $5M to $30M Using Social Media (including BONUS material!)

How One Realtor Grew Their Business from $5M to $30M Using Social Media (including BONUS material!)

Katie Clancy is truly the happiest person in real estate! She is a dear friend, the founder of the Cape House Team, a top real estate agent, national speaker, creator of The Cape House Show with additional podcasts in production, a wife, a mom, a dear friend and one of our #GetSocialSmart Ambassadors.
Katie Clancy is truly the happiest person in real estate! She is a dear friend, the founder of the Cape House Team, a top real estate agent, national speaker, creator of The Cape House Show with additional podcasts in production, a wife, a mom, a dear friend and one of our #GetSocialSmart Ambassadors.

In this episode, I am excited to talk to Katie about her journey in our Academy and how it’s helped grow her business from $5M to $30M, how she manages her time with social media, her biggest lessons learned and so much more.
Podcast listeners – this interview was originally published on our YouTube channel (here) but we have some bonus content for you at the end of the podcast for you – so make sure you listen all the way to the end!

Additional resources: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023