Parenting During a Pandemic (an Update)

Parenting During a Pandemic (an Update)

Are you parenting during this pandemic? I’ve shared a few updates this year about our family and how we are managing through this time. But it has been a few months so today I’m sharing an update. I’ll be honest, this year has been tough. I have to say our boys have been so resilient. In this podcast I’m sharing a few things that have worked well for us, as well as a few that have not.
Are you parenting during this pandemic? I’ve shared a few updates this year about our family and how we are managing through this time. But it has been a few months so today I’m sharing an update.
I’ll be honest, this year has been tough. I have to say our boys have been so resilient. In this podcast I’m sharing a few things that have worked well for us, as well as a few that have not.

Lessons learned:
  • Screen time.​ We still monitor screen time, but we’ve also become more flexible. Video games have become a great way for our boys to stay connected with their friends.
  • Routines.​ For our family, we thrive on routines. We are huge believers that kids need to do chores. We also come together every night for dinner. I also have a special night time routine of reading to my boys each night.
  • Having a pet has been huge!​ If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ve seen our cute kitty cat, Rex. He’s been so wonderful to have during this time and brought us so much joy!
  • Getting outside.​ Getting out every day - playing baseball, taking walks, riding scooters. Getting fresh air every day has been so important.
  • Being on the same team.​ This year we are spending more time together as a family than we probably ever will. Coming together and checking in with each other and working together as a team has been key for us.
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