Kids and Chores

Kids and Chores

I'm excited to dive into a few of the things that we do as a family when it comes to kids and chores, especially with everything going on in the world these days.

Are you struggling to manage kids and their chores? In this episode, we are going to be talking about kids and chores, a very relevant conversation during this time. I'm excited to dive into a few of the things that we do as a family when it comes to kids and chores, especially with everything going on in the world these days.


Lessons learned:

• We’ve created chore charts for the boys focusing on daily and weekly responsibilities.

• We look at it as a team effort.

• Kids are never too young to start learning responsibility.

• We are teaching our boys to work hard, play hard.


Additional resources:

Reward charts for multiple kids *

Whiteboard chore chart *

• Teaching kids how to win with money *

Chore sticks *

• Podcast: Keeping the Kids Busy in the Summer

• Podcast: Ending the School Year During a Pandemic

• Do you have ideas for topics for our podcast for 2020? Email me at

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• Follow me on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes into my life and business @katielance (Enjoying this podcast? Tag me on IG and let me know!)

*affiliate links | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023