Unconscious Bias in Real Estate

Unconscious Bias in Real Estate

In this podcast, I am excited to share with you a very special conversation that I had recently on Facebook Live. I had the pleasure of interviewing a dear friend of mine and an accomplished keynote speaker and author, Valerie Alexander.

In this podcast, I am excited to share with you a very special conversation that I had recently on Facebook Live. I had the pleasure of interviewing a dear friend of mine and an accomplished keynote speaker and author, Valerie Alexander. Valerie and I had a really important conversation about unconscious bias in real estate.

Currently, we are in the midst of a global pandemic and on top of that, we are in a state of social injustice. I know for myself, if I can be candid as a white woman, my eyes have been opened in a way they’ve never been opened before in terms of race and racism. I have been working on my own self to do a lot of work, to better educate myself and our family on how we can be better and how we can be actively anti-racist and how we can be a better ally.

I'm excited to share my journey here on the podcast. I’ll be sharing periodically from time to time my journey, because I think it's important to talk about it. This conversation is one of the first steps in that for me.

The reason why I reached out to Valerie is because Valerie is an amazing speaker. She gave an incredible TED talk a few years ago, all about unconscious bias. What's really interesting is the brain science behind unconscious bias. So I hope you are able to really listen and really, really give this interview the time and attention it deserves. I think it's a really, really important conversation.

Additional resources:

• Link to original Facebook Live discussion

• Recommended reading: White Fragility*

• Recommended reading: The Color of Law*

• Watch Valerie's TED talk on Unconscious Bias

• Do you have ideas for topics for our podcast for 2020? Email me at katie@katielance.com

• Visit me at KatieLance.com for more info about my speaking, consulting and our #GetSocialSmart Academy (use the promo code PODCAST to save $30/month)

• Follow me on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes into my life and business @katielance (Enjoying this podcast? Tag me on IG and let me know!)

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katielance.com | @katielance | katie@katielance.com | Katie Lance 2023