Leaving A Digital Legacy

Leaving A Digital Legacy

In this episode I want to encourage you to think about how you want to be remembered, especially digitally.

Every time you hit post, every time you hit share, every time you hit like - you're leaving this digital footprint that is telling the story of who you are, what you believe in, and what's most important to you. For most of us, we hope that in our life we leave an amazing legacy for our family and friends that encompasses who we are and what we believe in, and the impact we had in our family and our communities. But we also are leaving a digital legacy. In this episode I want to encourage you to think about how you want to be remembered, especially digitally.

Lessons learned:

• Our kids, our grandkids, our great grandkids will potentially know more about us than any other generation and a big part of that is because of what we are posting online with our digital legacy.

• Think about what you are posting. When you post online, think to yourself, what if someone were to look back on this in 20 years?

• If you don't want to be on social media, you don't have to do it. But I would encourage you, especially if you have kids or grandkids, to get online and share a little bit, sharing who you are and sharing your stories can be really, really powerful - especially for your future generations.

Additional resources:

• Appoint a legacy contact to look after your memorialized Facebook account.

• Do you have ideas for topics for our podcast for 2020? Email me at katie@katielance.com

• Visit me at KatieLance.com for more info about my speaking, consulting and our #GetSocialSmart Academy (use the promo code PODCAST to save $30/month)

• Follow me on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes into my life and business @katielance (Enjoying this podcast? Tag me on IG and let me know!)

katielance.com | @katielance | katie@katielance.com | Katie Lance 2023