The Invisible Load

The Invisible Load

Do you ever feel like you are carrying in your head all of these teeny tiny details of things that need to get done – for everyone in your family?

Do you ever feel like you are carrying in your head all of these teeny tiny details of things that need to get done – for everyone in your family? Are you ever tired of feeling like you are the only one who is juggling your schedule - PLUS everyone else’s “to-do” list?!

I have felt this way and it’s something I struggle with – even though I have an amazing husband who carries so much of the load with me. I still feel overwhelmed by the "invisible load."

In this podcast episode I share my thoughts which were inspired by an article I read recently (link below). I struggle with this and would love to know if you do too. Take a listen and let me know!

Lessons learned:

  • I am learning not to be as much of a micromanager of everyone else in my family. Done is better than perfect!
  • I am learning to ask for help more and to let go of the things that aren’t really as important.
  • I am learning to give myself more grace – something I think a lot of moms can relate to!

Additional resources:

  • Great article that inspired this podcast episode about invisible load.
  • Visit me at for more info about my speaking, consulting and our #GetSocialSmart Academy (use the promo code PODCAST to save $30/month)
  • Follow me on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes into my life and business @katielance (Enjoying this podcast? Tag me on IG and let me know!) | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023