How I Manage My Social Media

How I Manage My Social Media

In today’s episode, I'm sharing how I manage my own social media. I do run a social media company, so it's probably not surprising that I run my own social media. But I'm often asked "who helps manage it? how do I run it?" So I'd like to share my thoughts around it and a few tools that I use to help manage it all.

In today’s episode, I'm sharing how I manage my own social media. I do run a social media company, so it's probably not surprising that I run my own social media. But I'm often asked "who helps manage it? how do I run it?" So I'd like to share my thoughts around it and a few tools that I use to help manage it all.

One of the first things I'll say, and I said this a few episodes ago, is I really believe in the philosophy of "no tweet left behind." What I really mean by that is this - if someone likes or comments, or interacts with me on social media, I'm going to respond to them. It's something that's very important to me and it's one of the ways I've been able to build my business, build our community, and it's something I'm very proud of now.

So if that's the case, how do I manage that? There's a few things that I do. First off, when I open up my Facebook feed or Instagram feed every morning, I don't look through my news feed first. I actually look at my notifications first, and I don't look at my notifications unless I'm ready to respond to them. I usually do it that at least twice a day, once in the morning, and once in the evening. But I always make sure that I'm in a place where I can actually respond.

Another tip I'll give you that I do on a daily basis is Focus Five. Focus Five is simply a process where once I look at my notifications, when I'm ready to go into my newsfeed, I find five people that I can meaningfully connect with. I do this literally every morning as I'm drinking my cup of coffee. I'll scroll through my notifications, meaningfully respond, do my focus five and then I go about my day.



Additional resources:

● Visit me at for more info about my speaking, consulting and our #GetSocialSmart Academy (use the promo code PODCAST to save $30/month)

● Follow me on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes into my life and business @katielance (Enjoying this podcast? Tag me on IG and let me know!) | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023