How I Get Ready for a Presentation

How I Get Ready for a Presentation

As a professional speaker, I have been speaking for years and I speak to all different size audiences from a few hundred to a few thousand.

As a professional speaker, I have been speaking for years and I speak to all different size audiences from a few hundred to a few thousand. And although oftentimes I'm giving similar presentations, every presentation is different because every audience is different, every group is different, and it's something I take a lot of pride in.

I would say over the past few years, I've really been focused on honing my craft and really honing how I think about presentations -  honing my stage presence and really thinking about the whole process. In fact, last year I was so fortunate to attend a great event through Heroic Public Speaking.  This has been a great resource for me to really improve my presentation skills.

Lessons learned

  • Be prepared – be over-prepared.
  • Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!
  • There is nothing like getting on stage and just doing the work to hone your craft.

Additional resources: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023