How We Launched Our Vlog

How We Launched Our Vlog

Creating episodic content has been huge for us and this podcast tells that story – lessons learned, why content alone is not enough, how we think about distribution of content and why it was one of the best business decisions for us!

A few years ago, we saw a massive shift from blog to video content and so we decided (with the prompting of my team) to start a show! We launched my YouTube channel and recorded the 1st 99 episodes on my iPhone 6S+ without a mic or fancy lighting, and it made a huge impact in our business.

Creating episodic content has been huge for us and this podcast tells that story – lessons learned, why content alone is not enough, how we think about distribution of content and why it was one of the best business decisions for us!

Lessons learned

  • Have a plan – Asana (consistency counts!)
  • Distribution is key – repurpose, repost, repackage
  • Email is not dead – this has played a big part of how we distribute our vlogs each week!

Additional resources: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023