How to Start Checking Things Off Your Bucket List

How to Start Checking Things Off Your Bucket List

In this podcast episode I share how I made one of my bucket list items – attending the Oprah show a reality.

Like most people – we all have things on our ‘bucket list’ – on our ‘to do’ list of one day. We all say to ourselves, ‘one day we will do this, or that…” But, what if one day never happens? Life is short and we aren’t guaranteed any more days. In this podcast episode I share how I made one of my bucket list items – attending the Oprah show a reality. I talk about how I turned a ten-year old dream into a reality with 27 days after a focused effort of deciding to make it happen.

What bucket list items do you have? Break down those big audacious goals into manageable tasks that you can do each day or week. It may mean short-term sacrifices for long-term gains – but you can do it! Anything worth achieving doesn’t just ‘happen.’ Start today moving toward checking off those bucket list items and you won’t regret it! Listen to the podcast to get the full story and then leave me a comment over on Facebook or Instagram – I’d love to hear about your big bucket list items!

Lessons learned

  • Don’t wait - start moving forward with your bucket list today
  • We aren’t guaranteed any more time. Wishing and hoping is not a plan. What are small actionable steps you can do today to start?
  • If you have a big financial bucket list item (i.e. home, vacation, car) – ask yourself what the cost will be and then break down what that would look like weekly if you started saving today.

Additional resources:

  • Visit me at for more info about my speaking, consulting and our #GetSocialSmart Academy (use the promo code PODCAST to save $30/month)
  • Follow me on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes into my life and business @katielance (Enjoying this podcast? Tag me on IG and let me know!)
  • Miraval Resorts 
  • In case you are curious – here’s a picture of us at the show and here are the videos I sent Oprah. | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023