Reflections on 2021 and What’s Next for 2022?

Reflections on 2021 and What’s Next for 2022?

Can you believe that the end of 2021 is around the corner? This year has flown by. In this episode I thought I’d share some reflections personally and professionally and some things on the horizon for 2022. I can’t wait for you to listen!
Can you believe that the end of 2021 is around the corner? This year has flown by. In this episode I thought I’d share some reflections personally and professionally and some things on the horizon for 2022. I can’t wait for you to listen!

This year in 2021 we celebrated our 9-year business anniversary and our 20-year wedding anniversary! We are so grateful for our business (we are having our best year ever and we are so grateful for our clients and our team!) 

We are incredibly grateful for our health, our faith, our two amazing boys who are growing like weeds and the opportunities to travel again.

Going into 2022, we have some exciting things lined up especially for content. Sometimes we find our content tends to get a bit buried - so you may see less from us here on the podcast - BUT we are really focused more on quality versus quantity with our content. We want to give each podcast and piece of content truly get the attention and breathing room it deserves. We are on the lookout for people doing great things!

Also for 2022 - I would love to get my hubby and partner in business Paul on this podcast - would you like to see him on the show?? I would love to know! 

If you have enjoyed my podcast this past year - we would love it if you'd share it with a friend! Your shares make a huge difference - we so appreciate it!

What content would you like to see from me in 2022? Please reach out to me - DM me over on Instagram or email me! 

Links: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023