Getting Back Onstage After 18 Months (and, How I Prepare for a Keynote)

Getting Back Onstage After 18 Months (and, How I Prepare for a Keynote)

Speaking onstage is near and dear to my heart and something I greatly missed during the last 18 months. As grateful as I am for technology - there is truly nothing like being in person!
In this podcast, I share a few thoughts about how events have evolved, my thoughts around in-person and virtual events, what it was like to be back onstage, and some behind-the-scenes into how I prepare for a new keynote.

Helpful tips to prepare for a keynote:
  • Get to the venue early - do a sound and tech check. Get onstage. Walk the stage. Get to know your A/V team - they are your best friends. Ask ahead of time what the stage set-up will look like - where are the screens? What is the seating?
  • Go through your slides onstage - check your videos if you are playing videos.
  • Rehearse - physically practice, stand up, wear the shoes you will wear onstage.
  • I start creating a keynote by doing a brain dump first: my older content, stats, stories, examples, etc. What do you already have that you can repurpose?
  • Be cognizant of your time constraints with your presentation. Prepare to have to cut or add time. Be respectful and do not go over with your time!
  • What you wear onstage is important - can you move? Are you comfortable?
  • I don’t script my talks - prepared but not scripted. I do heavily prepare for my opening and closing. I rehearse those over and over!
  • Be prepared for anything! You never know what will happen!
  • I use slides - but less is more. I use PowerPoint - but I create all of my slides within Canva. Slides are essentially images - so they don’t look distorted on someone else’s computer. Your slides should be a prompt.
Additional thoughts:

As we move into this ‘post-pandemic’ era - I think it’s important personally to be prepared for events by understanding the protocols in place, be prepared with items such as masks, sanitizer, and your vaccination card. Also, be prepared ahead of time with your own personal boundaries. What are you comfortable with? Handshaking? Hugs? Selfies? How will you navigate that? I think it’s important to make those decisions ahead of time.

What events are you going to? If you are looking for a speaker - I would love to be considered!

Additional links: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023