Improve your Visuals on Instagram

Improve your Visuals on Instagram

Do you ever feel like your visuals on Instagram fall a little flat? Like, you have a great idea to create something fun and creative with Reels on using Canva but then you post it and you hardly receive any likes or engagement?
In this podcast, I share a few insights on what it takes to improve your graphics on Instagram. If we are not yet connected on Instagram - please give me a follow and message me to let me know you listened to the podcast!

Lessons Learned:
  • Look at your life as content
  • When possible, highlight others in your content
  • What is funny or relevant? This is more likely to be liked and shared!
  • Can you share educational and/or instructional content? This is more likely to be saved!
  • Edutainment is on the rise - can you be creative with Reels and be of value? (YES!)
  • The IG “aesthetic” is important (but not AS important)
  • When in doubt - less is more!
  • Not everything has to go on your graphics - this is what your captions are for
  • Look at the data - review your IG insights to see what content performed well in the past. Rinse and repeat!
Additional links: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023