Create a Repeatable Routine for Your Content

Create a Repeatable Routine for Your Content

If you want to consistently put out relevant content - to do so sustainably requires creating a repeatable routine that you can repeat each time. In this episode, I share how I do this for my #GetSocialSmart Show on YouTube, here on the podcast, and in my weekly #CoffeeWithKatie live show in our Academy.
Lessons learned:
  • Time blocking – daily/weekly/monthly. If it’s not on the calendar it will not happen!
  • Batch your content and schedule when you will batch and when you will do anything else like writing notes, editing etc.
  • When creating video or podcast content have a repeatable: beginning, middle, end
  • Have a routine for your IG stories and other short-form content.
Additional links: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023