How to Treat Your Business Like a Business

How to Treat Your Business Like a Business

Once you truly decide to become a full time business owner, there are nine things that I think are really important for you to consider – and that’s what this podcast is all about.

As a business owner – there comes a time when you decide to either ‘go for it’ and dive head first into your business OR you decide to keep your business as a ‘side hustle.’ There is nothing wrong with either decision, but once you truly decide to become a full time business owner, there are nine things that I think are really important for you to consider – and that’s what this podcast is all about.

From having business hours, to knowing how much you charge to having a dedicated work space – there are many things that will really solidify your business as a business. And, at the end of the day - you want to command a higher price, higher fee -  you must act like a business and not just someone with that ‘side hustle.’

Lessons learned

  • Higher for your weakness but know enough to hire the right person
  • Scale as you grow
  • Focus on your priorities

Additional resources: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023