How I Got Myself In (and Out) of Instagram Jail

How I Got Myself In (and Out) of Instagram Jail

Have you ever woken up, opened up your favorite app only to see that your account has been suspended? It happened to me with Instagram recently and this podcast is the story of what happened, how I got into “Instagram jail,” how I got my account back and some of the lessons I have learned!
Lessons learned:
  • Social media is rented ground - as much as I love it - you must create content you own no matter what!
  • It’s ok to have an opinion and post things that may be “controversial” - you may not be everyone’s “cup of tea” - and that is ok! The world would be a boring place if we were all the same!
  • Don’t download third-party apps to help follow or unfollow people on Instagram
  • Don’t act like a bot - don’t like and engage so much that IG may think you are trying to “hack” the platform!
Additional links: | @katielance | | Katie Lance 2023