Becoming a Better Storyteller | Interview with Mike Ganino

Becoming a Better Storyteller | Interview with Mike Ganino

How can you become a better storyteller? In today’s episode I’m excited to chat with my dear friend, Mike Ganino, about all things storytelling, public speaking, authenticity, parenting and so much more.
Mike Ganino is a storytelling and communication expert who hosts The Mike Drop Moment podcast. He’s been named a Top 10 Public Speaking Coach by Yahoo Finance, and California’s Best Speaking and Communication Coach by Corporate Vision Magazine.

Mike is an author, former Executive Producer of TEDxCambridge and has been named a Top 30 Speaker by Global Guru. He teaches storytelling, presence, and public speaking to some of the biggest names and brands. He’s a trained actor and coach from the World Famous Second City, Improv Olympics, and Upright Citizen’s Brigade.

In addition to his track record as an executive in the hotel, restaurant, retail, and tech industries, Mike’s worked with organizations like Disney, American Century Investments, American Marketing Association, and UCLA.

Lessons learned from Mike:
  • If we are going to get ourselves out of our situation or into a new place it’s going to be words we say and the presence we have and that’s what I do now!
  • We are all public speaking all the time. Social media is speaking. Sharing our ideas, stories and our presence. All of these are opportunities to think about public speaking.
  • What people really want is you - your take on things, your opinion on things.
  • You may forget the facts and figures from what you are supposed to say but you’ll never forget your stories or how you feel.
  • Context is key.
  • Good stories are hard to define but we know when we’ve heard it.
  • Connect it to your through line - if a story isn’t working you have to think if it’s connected to who you are. If I didn’t hear your voice but I heard your words - would I know that is YOUR message?
  • The other key to great storytelling is revealing something about yourself.
  • You don’t have to hide who you are.
  • There are people out there who need to hear what you say and who will love you more for it!
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